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Art Exhibit Diane Bombshelter

Hotel Congress features local artist, Diane Bombshelter, for the unveiling of her Agave-inspired collection of paintings on black velvet. Guests will have the opportunity to mingle with the artist while enjoying light snacks made with southwest heritage ingredients.

Price: Free

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About Diane Bombshelter:
As a painter, I am attracted to the Renaissance technique of chiaroscuro, strong contrasts in illumination between light and dark areas.  Black velvet enhances this effect and also provides textural features you can not get on canvas. 


When I started studying black velvet painting, I came across paintings by Edgar Leeteg. He mostly painted portraits of Tahitian people using chiaroscuro with stunning effect. They completely changed my perception of velvet art. In my work, I am trying to change people's perception of black velvet paintings just as Leeteg's work affected mine.  

I started teaching myself velvet painting in 2007 and I made a pilgrimage to The Velveteria Museum of Velvet Paintings in 2008 which was a life-changing experience. Hundreds of velvet paintings covered their walls in all different styles. I discovered other masters such as Cece Rodriguez, Daniel Guerrero, Burke Tyree and Louis Behan. 11 years later, I have several pieces in The Velveteria in downtown Los Angeles. 

I'm inspired mostly by contrasts in light and dark and texture, or just about anything that makes me think, "that will look great on velvet!” My work has been shown in Tucson, Bisbee, Phoenix, Mexico, Colorado, Los Angeles and Miami. It has also been used in sets for television shows and a Jay-Z music video.

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